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GEMET keywords

From 1 - 10 / 213
  • The layer shows type and location of partners involved in WETNET project. WETNET is a Pilot Project of the biodiversity protection community funded by the Interreg Med Programme. The WETNET project deals with “Coordinated management and networking of Mediterranean wetlands”.

  • The layer shows type and location of partners involved in PANACeA project. PANACeA is an Horizontal Project of the biodiversity protection community funded by the Interreg Med Programme. The PANACeA MPAs project deals with streamlining networking and management efforts in Mediterranean protected areas for enhanced natural conservation and protection.

  • Categories  

    The layer shows type and location of pilot sites involved in MPAs project. MPAs is an Integrated territorial Project of the biodiversity protection community funded by the Interreg Med Programme.

  • The layer shows type and location of pilot sites involved in FishMPABlue2 project. FishMPABlue2 is a Pilot Project + Capitalisation Project of the biodiversity protection community funded by the Interreg Med Programme. The FishMPAblue2 project deals with “Fishing governance in marine protected areas: potentialities for Blue Economy 2”. In this specific pilot site, scientifically sound monitoring of ecological, fishery techniques & socio-economic aspects related to management of small scale fisheries in MPAs are addressed.

  • The layer shows type and location of pilot sites involved in PHAROS4MPAs project. PHAROS4MPAs is a Capitalization Project of the biodiversity protection community funded by the Interreg Med Programme. The PHAROS4MPAs project deals with Blue Economy and Marine Conservation: Safeguarding Mediterranean MPAs in order to achieve Good Environmental Status.

  • The layer shows type and location of partners involved in POSBEMED project. POSBEMED is a Study Project of the biodiversity protection community funded by the Interreg Med Programme. The POSBEMED project deals with “Sustainable management of the systems Posidonia-beaches in the Mediterranean region”.

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    The layer shows type and location of partners involved in TUNE UP project.

  • The map shows the distribution of main fishing ports in the Mediterranean Sea and its corresponding area of pressure (based on self calculations using the total capacity: tonnage of vessels, DG MARE, 2014). The influence of fishing activity was modeled as a buffer with and exponential decay based on self calculations using the total capacity of the fleet: tonnage of vessels (in gross tonnage, GT). This indicator is based on fleet stats of DG MARE, 2014. Calculations were made following the same methodology developed for ESaTDOR Project (ESPON, 2013).

  • The map shows the spatial distribution of the frequency of oil spills in the Mediterranean Sea, indicating where the probability of an oil discharge is higher. Oil spills were represented as a density layer calculated using data on ship accidents and oil discharges registered by the Mandate of the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC), and also the oil spills map generated by Cinirella et al., 2012 (based on JRC data, 2009).

  • Map showing bed places per km2 as an indicator of the local intensity of tourism capacity. This index is based on Eurostat tourism statistic on bed places and the DMSP-OLS Nighttime Lights Time Series image. Eurostat's tourism capacity statistics differentiate between coastal and non-coastal areas within a NUTS2 region. The total number of beds in coastal areas of a NUTS2 region was disaggregated to the most intense nighttime light emission pixels of the Nighttime Lights Time Series assuming that most bed places are located in areas with high nighttime light emissions. Results are showing low to high intensive tourism capacity per km2 pixel.