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    In MPA-ADAPT project in the framework of T-MedNet, temperature is being recorded in situ by Stowaway Tidbits, Stowaway Tidbits v2 and HOBO Water Temp Pro v2 autonomous sensors and recovered annually or semi-annually by divers usually before and after the summer period. The temperature sensors are set to collect hourly records. In general, sensors are placed every 5 m from 5 to 40 m depth at each study site by fixing them to the rocky substrate. To fix the sensors we fill natural holes with putty allowing to set up PVC clips or screws which are used to fix the temperature sensors. (In some cases the temperature sensors are also attached to the buoys chains or cords).

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    T-MedNet network is devoted to spread the acquisition of long term high resolution temperature series in Mediterranean coastal waters (0-40 m) as well as to facilitate data sharing and analysis. The main aims of the T-MedNet network are: - to gather information on high resolution temperature records currently available, - to furnish information on “how to” implement and maintain new high resolution temperature records, and ultimately - to develop a platform for the management and analysis of high resolution temperature records. T-MedNet network users are scientific staff already involved or interested in the acquisition of temperature series (technicians, ecologists, physicians, chemist etc…) and managers of marine coastal areas. T-MedNet is an initiative of the MEDRECOVER research group based at the Institut de Ciències del Mar in Barcelona (Spain).